Friday, 6 November 2015

A wake up call.

This illness has forced me to make decisions about daily life.  I had to decide to stop driving, I've had to choose carefully where I go, and what I do.  I've had to cut back on what work I take on.  By doing these things I can generally have a days that are manageable.  Sure, I might feel a bit off, and some days are definitely better, or worse than others, but in general I am ok.

 So it is easy to forget that I do have a condition that affects me as much as it does.  Sometimes you go and do something and it makes you realise that things are most definitely not right.

Yesterday, I went to a small demonstration, as our local hospital's maternity unit was being shut.  A cause I felt very strongly about, so I figured I would at least show my face.  I had taken my stick, but forgot, of all things, my ear plugs.  I was stood for 2 hours, with cars tooting, and sirens going off at times.  Before I was ill, perhaps the most I would feel from that would be sore feet, and a bit tired.  But, apart from staggering a few times, and suffering for the loud noises, I then started to feel very off after two hours, and had to make my way home.

Getting home was hard, I was staggering, really struggling to walk in a straight line, and my vision was really distorted.   All I could think was how this is not how I should be.  I should be able to do these things without feeling so unwell.  How I need to get better.  An hour of peace and quiet when I got home was enough to rejuvenate me enough to go do the school run, and I am glad that I could bounce back so quickly.

So today I am back to a quiet life, and I am doing ok.  But life cannot be reduced to this all the time.  I have to remember that when life gets busy, and noisy, I will feel unwell.  Another thing I have to remember is to take my ear plugs with me!

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